Under the Rochester MN Zumbro River is a critical connection point servicing the needs of Power, Communication and Sewer needs.
Aakerman Manufacturing reached out to www.TimeLapseCameras.com for assistance in documenting the site as the action unfolds. Within six weeks the pipeline was carved out, no less than 14 cameras documenting the site from top to very bottom of the tunnel, including the critical break through moment of the MCTBM head piercing through the shell.
Weather? Yes this is January in Minnesota, 2019. With temps at -12 F. Someone has to be in the hole for the initical launch and the final break.
From the bottom of the tunnel to the top, your PPE winter suit freezes upon the elevation change from four stories below. Gear is lifted down for safety. Once you are in the hole-that’s where you stay. Dedicated to your job. Safety first, clicks second.